
How To Get To Ashina Depths

Check out this Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice guide and walkthrough from the Ashina Depths, until the Poison Pool. This includes gameplay tips, hints, techniques, tricks and more!

Ashina Depths ~ Poison Pool - Walkthrough

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Table Of Contents

  • Ashina Depths ~ Poison Pool Tips
  • Snake Eyes Shirahagi Battle Strategy

Ashina Depths ~ Poison Pool

Ashina Depths ~ Poison Pool Walkthrough Chart

No. Procedure
1 From the Ashina Depths Sculptor's Idol, move forward
2 You will find yourself in a clearing with large Buddha Statues
3 Defeat Snake Eyes Shirahagi
4 Return to the slanted Buddha Statue and proceed to the left
5 You will eventually reach the Poison Pools Sculptor's Idol

1. Moving Forward - Tips

Starting Point

Starting Point

You will be starting out from the Ashina Depths Sculptor's Idol. This is what the place should look like.

Land On Footing Below The Cliff

Land On Footing Below The Cliff

Once you reach the end of the path, there will be some wooden footing that you can drop down onto. Once on this footing, you will see a Buddha Statue and a cave to its left if you look ahead.

2. Moving Through The Clearing - Tips

You Can Land On The Buddha's Hand

You Can Land On The Buddha

You can grapple to the Buddha Statue's hand. You don't need to immediately grapple to the next point since you land on the hand.

Grapple To The Tree Then To The Head

Grapple To The Tree then To The Head

Once on the hand, look around to find a treetop that you can grapple to. You cannot perch on top of the tree so once you grapple to the treetop, immediately aim and grapple to the head of the slanted Buddha.

4. Returning To The Buddha Statue - Tips

Proceed To The Left

after defeating Shirahagi, head back to the Buddha Statue. Now proceed to the left of where it is facing to start heading for the Poison Pools Sculptor's Idol.

Enemies Will Be In The Hut

As you make your way through the area, you will find a hut. Be careful as two enemies will be inside the hut. If you want to avoid combat, head up to the roof of the hut to avoid being detected.

5. Reaching The Sculptor's Idol - Tips

You Can Grapple Towards The Idol

You Can Grapple Towards The Idol

Once on the roof of the hut, you will be able to grapple using different points in front of you. You can ignore enemies along the way since you are mobile enough to evade them. The Sculptor's Idol is at the end of the path.

Area Is Poisonous

Area Is Poisonous

The area surrounding the Sculptor's Idol is poisonous. Make sure to land on rocks and not into the green pools of water to avoid getting poisoned.

Snake Eyes Shirahagi Boss Battle Strategy

Snake Eyes Shirahagi Boss Battle StrategyCheck Out How To Beat Snake Eyes Shirahagi

Take Out an HP Node To Start The Battle

Take Out An HP Node To Start The Battle

One way to increase your chances of winning the fight is to shave off one whole HP Node via Deathblow before starting the fight. It will make the battle much easier if the enemy has less health for you to chip away at.

Step 1: Hide Behind The Slanted Buddha

Hide Behind The Slanted Buddha

As soon as you land on the slanted Buddha, Snake Eyes Shirahagi will be alerted. Hide behind the buddha statue so that Shirahagi will not be able to see you.

Step 2: Approach Shirahagi

Once the marker on Shirahagi's head disappears, he will not be alerted to your presence. Use this opportunity to sneak up close to him. Make sure to approach slowly and quietly to avoid alerting him and other enemies.

Check Out How To Use Stealth Here!

Step 3: Perform A Deathblow Once You Are Near Enough

Perform A Deathblow Once You Are Near Enough

Once you are near enough to him, a red circle will appear. This is a prompt to perform a Deathblow. Attacking with your sword during this time will perform a Deathblow and take away one of his HP Nodes.

Snake Eyes Shirahagi's Weapon

Snake Eyes Shirahagis Weapon

Shirahagi comes equipped with a powerful but slow gun. Once Shirahagi telegraphs the attack, get ready to block to avoid absorbing all the damage. You can use the window after the attack to close the approach and deal some damage.

Avoid Perilous Attacks By Jumping

Avoid Perilous Attacks By Jumping

Snake Eyes Shirahagi will employ sweeping Perilous Attacks. These can easily be avoided by jumping upwards. Once the Kanji Symbol for Perilous Attack appears, stop attacking and get ready to jump.

Check Out All Kanji Sense Symbols Here!

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How To Get To Ashina Depths


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